Clements National Honor Society

When and where are meetings held? How long do they last?
Meetings are held monthly on the first Wednesday of the month after school, or the first Thursday before school. (If meeting times or the places are changed, you will be notified in advance by the officers.) A typical meeting usually lasts approximately 20-30 minutes.
If I miss a meeting, what should I do?
Make-up meetings are held the next morning after regular NHS meetings. Make-up meetings begin during at 7 AM. If you miss the regular NHS meeting and the make-up meeting, you must bring a note explaining your absence by the end of the week. Acceptable excuse notes include doctors' notes and school sponsor notes, but are subject to the sponsors' discretion. For extenuating circumstances, talk to your NHS sponsors.
How many service hours must I complete each semester?
NHS members are required to complete 25 service hours each semester. Seniors must have hours in BOTH the spring and fall semesters. You will be required to complete extra service hours if you do not complete all 15 hours by the last meeting of the semester. For more information please click on this link.
How are summer hours accounted for?
You may complete 10 required fall semester hours during the summer. However, you are not required to volunteer during the summer.
What is the maximum number of hours I can get at one place?
For the 2020-21 school year, you do not need to go to two separate places. However, seniors must volunteer in both the spring and fall semesters.
What is a SAC, and what does it mean if I get one?
A SAC is a penalty for NHS members who fail to fulfill their obligations. After two SAC's, you will receive a warning letter in school. Three SAC's results in immediate removal from the National Honor Society. Your parent will be notified via e-mail if you are removed.
How do you get a SAC?
  • Not participating in the NHS Service Project
  • Missing a regular meeting and the make-up meeting without bringing an acceptable excuse note
  • Not completing and turning in the required service hours ON TIME
  • Not paying dues ON TIME
  • Fraudulent hours/Forged signatures
Team Service Projects
What is a TSP?
A TSP is an opportunity for NHS members to exercise the four pillars of NHS with their own creative freedom. Members will be able to create their own service project that benefits the community in some way whether it be a book drive or a bake sale. If interested, you must put the work and dedication to properly execute your idea. Requirements include to: write a proposal, document your project, and then write a final report.
Why do a TSP?
TSP is the perfect opportunity to personally get involved in the community. It will help you gain the experience as a leader for any possible officer positions (NHS officer maybe?) and general life skills. Other perks include definitely looking good on a resume, and it will contribute a good amount towards your hour requirement.
​YES, let's do this! Now what?
First, you should look over the guidelines in order to get a better idea of what to do. Next, organize your ideas and write a proposal. Only 15 groups may start a TSP, and there may be no more than 6 people per group. Once your proposal is approved, put in the work to properly execute your TSP. Always remember to make it beneficial for your community. In the midst of all your hard work remember to document your project. Lastly, write a final report. If you work in conjunction with another organization or for another organization, please take an extra step and have them fill out a final evaluation.
If you want to start a TSP, please fill out the proposal form for the officers to review. Do NOT begin a TSP without officer and sponsor approval.
One of the main fundraisers for Clements NHS is the TV marquee. In the Commons, there is TV on the wall. It can display a variety of messages for birthdays, competitions, or dances. Sign up to display your special message!
  1. All submissions must be school-appropriate. No foul language or suggestive words!
  2. Inside jokes and text language (such as @, >.<, ROFL, etc.) are not permitted.
  3. Messages can only be directed toward a current Clements High School student
If interested, fill out the marquee request form.