Clements National Honor Society

What is NHS?
National Honor Society, established in 1921, is an organization created to recognize high achieving students that make an impact in their local communities. As a high school chapter, we dedicate our time towards developing a unique understanding of the four pillars: scholarship, community service, leadership, and character. Through various acts of community service — creating pillowcases for children in hospitals, collecting food cans for local drives, teaching senior citizens art, raising money through bake sales — students are provided with experiences that build their character into successful leaders for the future. In doing so, students have the ability to honor a legacy of excellence and contribute to creating a community for everyone to call their home.

Clements students will continue to contribute to the legacy of the National Honor Society. Our NHS chapter is proud to be a part of this organization's ongoing mission.

Meet the Team!

pres vice sec hist
Regina Olvera Hannah Nguyen Elizabeth Onyekwere Gabbie Mock
President Vice-President Secretary Historian
treas parl sacchair webmaster
Reeba Abraham Lilia Mitra Evelyn Nguyen Saloni Gajwani
Treasurer Parliamentarian SAC Chairwoman Webmaster
Meet Our Advisors!

Bollich Humes
TBA Mr. Humes